您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - FSA

1. Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. A company entered into a three-year construction project with a total contract price of $5.3 million and expected cost of $4.4 million. The following table provides cash flow information relating to the contract:



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Costs incurred and paid




Amounts billed and payments received




What is the cumulative effect of the contract on the cash balance that would have been recorded on the company's balance sheet at the end of Year 2 using the:


percentage-of-completion method?

completed contract method?










Correct answer = A  The amount of cash recorded is identical for both methods and is equal to the total cash received less total costs incurred. At the end of Year 2, a total of $4 million had been billed and collected but only $3.6 million in costs had been incurred. 



2.  如果当estimate useful life 变长和salvage value变大的情况下,relative life变小

Solution:这个表述修改为relative life变小。我们有一个公式是这样的
estimate useful life变长和salvage value变大的情况,根据ST的公式,depreciation会变小。accumulated 自然会变小。根据公式使得relative life变小。


3. Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. The Regional Bank of Australia receives interest income on the loans it has outstanding. Durango Manufacturing Inc. also receives interest income on some surplus funds they currently have invested in corporate bonds. For each company, respectively, the interest income they receive would be classified as which type of business activity for financial reporting purposes?


The Regional Bank of Australia

Durango Manufacturing Inc.


Operating activity

Operating activity


Operating activity

Investing activity


Investing activity

Operating activity

Correct answer = B 很多考生质疑,为什么制造公司的利息收入答案选择的是投资活动现金流量。那么这道题目的考点不是在考现金流的归类,我们看下题目中的问题:the interest income they receive would be classified as which type of business activity for financial reporting purposes。这个问题问的是在income statement中,这个行为是应该记为operating item还是nonoperating item? 
在原版书第三册中说道:对于nonfinancing company,所有的interest和dividend都是被看做nonoperating item;但是financing firm,都是视为operating item。这道题目的考点不是cash flow statement中的那些经营性,投资性行为,而是for financial reporting purposes,在I/S报表中是operating item还是nonoperating item。 4.   收入的确认方法补充
1)  Under U.S. GAAP

  • 对于long term contract,可以选用POC和CC——此处定为考点,请重点掌握
  • 对于short term contract,可以选用一手交钱,一手交货;installment sales或者是cost recovery

2)  Under IFRS

  • 对于long term contract,只有POC
  • 那么如果遇到长期合同,与美国准则下CC相似的情况,在国际准则下选用收入的确认不超过成本,最后才确认毛利
  • 其它与美国准则一样

3) 那么installment sales和cost recovery如何区分
假如:ABC firm considered the initial investment by the buyer was not substantial enough to warrant full recognition of the gain.

  • If  the recovery of cost is assured if default.也就是说就算是default,公司也能确认cost是可以recovery的。所以题目中有这样的描述就是installment sales;
  • 如果没有这样的描述,那么就是cost recovery。Cost recovery较谨慎。例:Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. On June 15, 2007, a short term agreement was entered in to sell the property and automatic equipment of ABC firm for USD 100,000. As the result of this sale, the subsidiary will no longer offer sales of title insurance or real estate closing servicing. ABC firm considered the initial investment by the buyer was not substantial enough to warrant full recognition of the gain. However, the recovery of the cost of the property is reasonably assured if the buyer defaults. Which of the revenue recognition method will be the most appropriate?
    用installment sales method


5. FCFF的计算

考试时请看清题目中给的提示:如果是在IFRS下,题目中又说了,int. exp不是作为CFO的,那么在公式中就不需要加int(1-t)

6. 什么是non-cash charge——关键就是看有没有现金流

1)        Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. Schneider Candy Company sold long-term notes receivable to Amerisoft, and simultaneously bought a fixed asset from Amerisoft, which both assets have the same fair value. Which of the following statement is most likely accurate?
这个题目说的是卖掉long-term notes receivable,即刻买固定资产,是对于同一个企业Amerisoft,所以this transaction does not affect cash flow statement; it could be listed in the footnotes in the cash flow statement.

2)        假设改成Schneider Candy Company issued bond using proceeds to bought a fixed asset from Amerisoft, which both assets have the same fair value. Which of the following statement is most likely accurate?
这个题目说的是issued bond,proceeds(有现金流了)后购买固定资产,所以肯定存在现金流,是CFF增加,CFI减小。就算是对于同样一个公司,也一样是产生了现金流.

3)        假设Issue bond use acquired to purchase plant这个动作没有现金流的流进流出,是not affect cash flow statement.
4)        还有一种是Issue bond use proceeds to repurchase stock这个动作是一部分CFF减少;还有一部分CFF的增加


7. revaluation和reverse

1) U.S. GAAP:对于任何资产都没有revaluation,特殊——有活跃的交易市场的矿藏,贵金属,森林,农副产品
2) IFRS:都可以revaluation,特殊——inventory,但是inventory里的有活跃交易市场的矿藏可以
3) U.S. GAAP:所有资产都没不能reverse,特殊——held for sale的资产
4) IFRS:都可以reverse,特殊——inventory只能回转到Book Value,但inventory里的有活跃交易市场的矿藏可以回转到Fair Value






Property and Equipment

Don’t permit upward revaluations.除非一些特殊的用fair value计量的金融工具

Permit upward revaluations.

Intangible Assets (R&D)

Expensed, 除非legal costs, intangible assets that are created internally

expense costs during the research stage but can capitalize costs during the development stage.

Intangible Assets (In process R&D)

Expensed, 在合并之日,从goodwill中扣除,用fair value

Capitalized, 可以作为goodwill的一部分,将来做减值测试,或者作为intangible asset,将来每年做摊销

Subsequent reversal of impairment loss


Required for all assets, other than goodwill, if certain criteria are met.

Identifiable Intangible Assets

Don’t permit upward revaluations.

Permit upward revaluations.

Convertible debt


Separation of the conversion option,计量在equity中,用fair value;其余的计量在liability中


current and non-current components

Always non-current.

Valuation allowance

Prohibits upward revaluations

Permitted upward revaluations

Joint venture

Equity method

Both equity method and proportional consolidation, but prefer proportional consolidation

Revenue from a barter transaction

Can be recognized at fair value. Fair value 基于historical experience.

Must be based on the fair value. Fair value 基于similar non-barter transitions with unrelated parties.

Construction Contract

Require the completed-contract method.

Don’t permit Construction Contract Method

Inventory method

Disclose the LIFO reserve in the footnotes to their financial statements.

Prohibit LIFO.

Nonrecurring Items

Extraordinary items are reported in the income statement, net of tax, below income from continuing operations.

Require firms to disclose them instead of treating them as extraordinary in the income statement.


Dividends paid: reported as CFF
Dividends received: reported as CFO.

Dividends paid: either CFO or CFF Dividends received: either CFO or CFI.


Interest paid: reported as CFO
Interest received: reported as CFO.

Interest paid: either CFO or CFF
Interest received: either CFO or CFI.


CFA二级:时间序列分析逻辑框架Quantitative Analysis(金融数量分析)的三个难点2011年12月CFA Level1考试重点概括2011 CFA Level I 考试大纲2011 CFA Level II 考试大纲2011 CFA Level III 考试大纲注册金融分析师CFA考试内容 2012年注册金融分析师考试大纲CFA Level1 考试重点概括CFA考试——CFA考试分级解析CFA考试各级别重难点分析注册金融分析师 CFA考试涉及的主要知识点CF二级复习提纲CFA Level 1 伦理道德准则中文CFA考试重点之CFA二级考试重点CFA考试重点之CFA三级考试重点16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第1周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第2周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第3周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第4周动产融资新模式CFA三个级别考试考点解析CFA一级和二级实战经验分享您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析您必须关注的CFA二级知识点大剖析您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析-Ethics您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Quants您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Corporate Finance您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - FSA您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Fixed Income您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Derivatives您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Portfolio16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第5周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第6周cpa注会与美国特许金融分析师cfa的对比16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第7周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第8周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第9周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第10周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第11周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第13周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第14周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第15周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第16周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第1周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第2周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第3周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第4周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第5周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第6周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第7周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第8周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第9周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第10周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第11周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第12周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第13周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第14周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第15周16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 2-第16周16周CFA一级考点复习-第1周16周CFA一级考点复习-第2周16周CFA一级考点复习-第3周16周CFA一级考点复习-第4周16周CFA一级考点复习-第5周CFA一级考点复习-第6周CFA三级行为金融学重难点解析:个人行为偏差CFA三级衍生工具应用重点解析:运用利率互换调整债券组合的久期CFA二级财务报表重难点解析:公司间投资CFA二级财务报表分析重点解析:养老金计划成本核算
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