
        P5 (could might may) 6


        1、 The turnover in B increased by 4%,whereas the turnover of A increased by 6%, which indicated A performed better than B.

        2、 The sales have increased by 4% in B and 6% in A, which may reflect local conditions in the industry market.

        3、 A and B have increased by 4% and 6% in profit respectively, which might be indicative of better cost control of A.

        4、 It is worth noting that rapidly (dramatically, sharply ) growth in A…

        5、 The overall profit has increased from 1 to 2, an increase of 高, which may reflect that ….

        6、 It appears that further growth in revenues will make A more profitable …..

        7、 The statistics of ** reveal that K provided superior (significantly higher )** than H.

        8、 It is observable that R is better performer in both absolute and relative terms.



        9、 B did not perform as well as in 2008 with net profit falling by 10%, which indicated A…….

        10、 The ratio in respect of A indicates a decrease from 2 times to 1times, which indicated A……

        11、 A made loss of 10 in 2008 compared with a loss 8 in 2007, which indicated A……

        12、 It is quite apparent from the available statistics in respect of ** that R has not been able to meet its target and K has performed much better.



        13、 It is acceptable given that K have been recently established.

        14、 It is obviously that A is in rapid-growth phase so that it is necessary to invest in NCA.

        15、 This is due to fact that …..

        16、 Hence we can deduce that **, and statistics in respect of ** will reveal that



        17、 It would be extremely useful to have data relating to precious years (competitor information, detailed breakdown information ) in order to observes longer term trends of revenues and costs(enable a complete picture, enable a much better assessment of current recent years)

        18、 However one needs to be mindful that we do not know the nature of complaints made by customers.

        19、 The measurement could also be improved by use of more detailed …



        20、 Quality is the key determinant of both financial results and the level of competitiveness achieved by A.

        21、 Quality may be viewed as strategic factor if A is to sustain and develop in the future.

        22、 Poor performance in quality can do serious harm to business (potential losses of client, erode the reputation and goodwill of A ,will cause corporate failure in the long term) .

        23、 Hence the importance of the adaptation of relevant performance measure relating to the issues as ….

        24、 A assumes critical significance in government funded institution…

        25、 A focus on financial management is fundamental to any business whether they are profit seeking or not for profit organization .

        26、 It is important to focus on sustaining competitive advantage and profitable in the long term.


reduce to vs reduce by
privately owned &government funded
occupancy rate
inflation & inflated
profit maximizing
customer enquiry
fare-paying; non-fare paying

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